Saturday, November 21, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE: Citizens Petition

Spokesman for the Concerned Citizens Group, former Ald. Basil Fitch, said the launch of the petition against LCC's 'in principle' decision to give to UTas land known as 'Willis Street Car Park' and 'Old Velodrome' free, now gives Launceston's ratepayers and residents an opportunity to call a public meeting to fully discuss this matter.

Under Section 57 Local Government Act a petition must carry at least 1,000 signatures from ratepayers and residents to be effective.

Today former Ald. Basil Fitch, warned "if LCC are allowed to give this land worth millions $$'s away, it will set an awful precedent for the future."

 He also  "urged all ratepayers and residents to consider the petition very carefully."

"All our assets should be sold, not given away, thereby reducing rates by the proceeds of sale" Basil Fitch said.

__ END __

For further information contact Basil Fitch – 03 6344 2686

Authorised Basil Fitch 42/5 Waverney St. Launceston TAS 7250

For further information to put Basil Fitch's commentary in context go to:

Sunday, November 15, 2015



Risk is a very subjective thing that is until you try to ensure against it. Launceston Council in regard to 'the spectre of the flood'. Likewise land's value is mitigated by risks attached to it. This too is subjective!

Before there is the spectre of the '100 YEAR FLOOD" there is a certain paranoia about 'flooding' in Launceston. If the RISK is real it impacts on VALUE. In Launceston, as in any city, value is volatile. Tone down the flood risk and values go up, invoke the risk value will subside in alignment of the perceive risk. Think about ANY site in Launceston's FLOOD ZONE and 'the flood' impacts on value.
This is well know and one should be able to presume, well understood.
However when the spectre of the 100 YEAR FLOOD and the projected sea level's impact on the FLOOD RISK its hard to imagine how land values in FLOOD ZONES anywhere are not going to be volatile. 

This must be known and considered. If its NOT you have to wonder why!

Click here to read what people think about flooding and climate change in Tasmania

FREE LAND: Development Opportunity Launceston

Launceston has two prime development site that the council doesn't know what to do with.
Do not be caught out if you see that this as an opportunity for you or yours. Even if these sites are located on a flood plain those floods may never happen. SEE Launceston Flood history After all the last big flood in Launceston was so long that there is almost nobody living who can remember it. So investors while need to mindful of the risk need not overstate them.

The university hoped in grabbed this parcel that it now developing as student accommodation. When these units are fully occupied by overseas students t take no imagination whatsoever to see the development opportunities on the two lots now up for grabs!

For the careful investor here is the flood history on the wall. Note the dates and take into account Climate Change. These so called 100 year floods may never happen again! For further information do not hesitate to contact Launceston's Flood Authority. They are well equipped to answer any of your questions.

The site offers multiple opportunities for family friendly developments. Be assured that the site has multiple as yet unrealised opportunities. Invest in this site and make your dreams come true.

The site is a cultural precinct which will lend a special credibility to developments that they may not win so easily elsewhere. Do dot under estimate the opportunities here! Also do not underestimate the value of your access to student labour it brings with multiple benefits!

As yet the cultural life on the precinct has not reached its full potential. For the innovative investor and developer there are many opportunities to pick up the ball and run with it. The profit opportunities are only limited by your imagination.

LOT #1: The site offers greenfield development opportunities that are so very rare these day in the larger regional cities. And all this right next door to Tasmania's premier sports ground. In the past circuses used this open ground which is proof of the sites audience acceptance. Developer should not dismiss the income stream that they can generate from the parking opportunities on offer here.

The site's tourism potential is largely unrealised. Launceston and Tasmania overall is on the cusp of a tourism boom and the anticipated accommodation shortage aught not be overlooked. In the wake of the city's manufacturing operation moving elsewhere the tourism industry is poised to step in and boost the city's economy. This site's potential is enormous.

One of the usual stumbling blocks developers are faced with is a precinct's heritage values. While this site is a heritage site its an industrial site that offers more affordable development proposal given the flexibility of the architectural standards that apply on this site.

LOT #2: This lot has all the advantages on offer at LOT #1 except LOT #2 adjoins a busy road offering superior advantages in regard to exposure. While the flood threat is rarely mention for this site it does exist but is somewhat more manageable. For the short term investor the opportunities should be obvious to any innovative entrepreneurs.

While the riv er separates the two sites at a nominal cost a foot bridge could be constructed to integrate to two lots. Further upstream there is a disused railway bridge that might well be repurposed.

Currently the site is used as a car park and there are extraordinary opportunities to expand this business and locate additional accommodation above.These two lots offer the innovative investor multiple and rewarding opportunities that will surely win public approval.

Action Stations

For further information please eMAIL

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